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COMPANY [LTD] ([“COMPANY”]) - Terms & Conditions

We are [company] Limited (“[COMPANY]”) incorporated in the UK under company number [number]These are our terms and conditions. We provide users with an online marketplace that allows Buyers to buy a variety of goods, experiences and services from individual, independent Sellers. [COMPANY] does not have possession of anything sold on the Website and the contract for sale is directly between the Buyer and the Seller. We may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time by email or by posting the amended terms on [WEBSITE LINK]. [MOU1] All amended terms shall automatically be effective once they are posted. Your continued use of our Services after the effective date of any amended terms and conditions constitutes your acceptance of them.


The terms and conditions and all policies posted on our site are the entire agreement between you and [COMPANY] and supersede all prior understandings and agreements of the parties

By using our site, you indicate that you accept these terms and conditions, and the referenced policies, and that you agree to abide by them. The policies posted on our sites may be changed from time to time. Changes take effect when we post them on the [COMPANY] site.


Any capitalised terms used within these Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings given to them in Schedule 1.

Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. 

1. [COMPANY] user accounts

To access the full [COMPANY] site, Buyers have to register for an account[MOU2] , provide accurate and complete information, and keep their account information updated.

Although we use techniques that aim to verify the accuracy and truth of the information provided by our users, user verification on the internet is difficult. [COMPANY] cannot and does not confirm, and is not responsible for ensuring, the accuracy or truthfulness of users' purported identities or the validity of the information, which they provide to us or post on our sites. 

Buyers cannot register for more than one account.

[COMPANY] reserve the right to restrict your access, temporarily or indefinitely block your account, warn other Sellers of your actions, or issue you a warning if:

  • we reasonably believe that you are in breach of the letter or spirit of these terms and conditions or the referenced policies;
  • we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us;
  • we believe that your actions may cause any loss or liability to us
  • we believe that such restriction will improve the security of the [COMPANY] website


Buyers are solely responsible for any activity that occurs on their account, unless it is a result of actions beyond their control (such as hacking or if someone steals their password when they have taken reasonable steps to keep it secure). Buyers may never use another person's user account or registration information for the Website.

You confirm that you are not economically barred/limited under sanctions rules of any country worldwide. If your circumstances change to be included in such lists, please cease using [COMPANY] immediately.

As per UK AML regulation, [COMPANY] is unable to support users from North Korea, Iran, Syria, Sudan (Republic of Sudan or North Sudan), South Sudan (Republic of South Sudan) and Region of Crimea.


2. Delivery

Products or Services will be delivered, performed and/or provided subject to the Service Contract. [COMPANY] shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever in relation to delays, missing post, or unsatisfactory provision of the Services. We recommend that Buyers contact the Seller immediately if they have any complaints or questions in relation to the Deliverables.

2.1 Service Offers

On purchase of a Service Offer the Buyer's funds will be held in the Escrow Account.[MOU3] 

Buyers who wish to purchase Service Offers must provide Sellers with sufficient and detailed descriptions of the Services requirements for the so that the Seller can get started. 

Once the Service requirements are provided to the Seller by the Buyer, the Seller will:

  • Contact the Buyer within five (5) working days to confirm work has started otherwise the Buyer may request and will be entitled to a refund in accordance with these Terms and Conditions; and
  • provide regular progress updates at the Buyer’s request and respond within three (3) working days to all messages from the Buyer;

All direct communication between Buyer and Seller must go via the Website to keep both parties protected in case of a Dispute. 

Once the Offer has been completed the Seller will raise an invoice which the Buyer shall pay within seven (7) days subject to Section 2.2 and any other agreement between Buyer and Seller.

2.2 Custom Projects

  • The Seller's payment for custom Projects is either agreed as fixed Price (in the case of some Services and all Products) or as a Price per hour rate [MOU4] Project as agreed between the Buyer and Seller and as advertised on the Website at the Seller’s discretion. For a per hour rate custom Project the Buyer agrees to pay the Seller based on the time spent, not on the real or perceived quality of any deliverables provided. The Seller will provide the Buyer, on request, with a breakdown of their billed hours as evidence;
  • for a fixed priced custom Project, the Buyer agrees to pay the Seller based on deliverables. The Buyer and Seller are responsible for agreeing whether to divide the Project into milestones, with associated milestone payments. If milestones have not been agreed then the Custom Project will only be invoiced on full completion of all deliverables.

On acceptance of a Proposal the Buyer will pay into the Escrow Account the agreed deposit amount.[MOU5] 

All direct communication between Buyer and Seller should go via the Website to keep both parties protected in case of a Dispute.

When the Services are completed, or the Product(s) has/have been delivered (or an agreed milestone has been reached) the Seller will raise an Invoice:

  • the Prices charged in the Invoice will be as has been explicitly agreed upfront in the Proposal. If requirements/ scope changes materially during a custom Project the Seller may need to propose a change to a previously agreed price. This must be explicitly agreed between the Buyer and Seller before any extra work is undertaken so that the Buyer can confirm whether they wish to proceed with the additional scope for the extra cost;
  • the Buyer must pay the Invoice within seven (7) days of the Invoice being raised;
  • If the Buyer disputes any amount on the invoice the Buyer shall contact the Seller immediately with the details of the disputed amount and the Seller shall provide the Buyer with an invoice for the undisputed amount. The parties shall use their best efforts to come to a good faith agreement on the amount payable by the Buyer to the Seller. [COMPANY] shall have no responsibility for settling Disputes between Buyers and Sellers; however, we retain the right to take action as we deem necessary to resolve such Disputes at our sole discretion, such action including but not limited to suspension or termination of Buyer accounts.
  • if the Buyer does not either i) pay the Invoice or ii) reject the Invoice within such seven (7) day period [COMPANY] will provide assistance to the Seller to chase payment and may temporarily or permanently restrict the Buyer's account. If the Invoice remains unpaid after fifteen (15) days a final 24-hour notification will be issued to the Buyer. If after 24 hours the Buyer has not responded to this notification the funds in the Escrow Account, up to the unpaid Invoice amount, will be automatically processed and will remain at the discretion of [COMPANY] for approval.
  • if the Buyer pays the invoice or funds are utilised in accordance with d) above, [COMPANY] and the Seller will be entitled to assume that the Buyer is satisfied with the Project and does not have a dispute of any kind in relation to the Project. The Buyer agrees that they will not file a dispute or seek to reverse payment through their credit card provider, bank or PayPal.

2.3 Per Hour Contracts

The Seller's payment for Per Hour Contracts is set as a per hour rate Project using the per hour rate as stated on the Seller’s profile at the time of the Per Hour Contract setup. The Buyer agrees to pay the Seller based on the time spent, not on the real or perceived quality of any deliverables provided.

On acceptance of a Per Hour Proposal and on hire request, the Buyer must place a valid payment method on file and gives authorization to [COMPANY] to charge it repeatedly per [COMPANY]’s Terms and Conditions. Payment for the Per Hour contract shall accumulate and be payable in full upon completion of the Services unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Buyer and the Seller.

2.4 Sales of Products

All Products shown on the Website are subject to availability. Sellers shall have full responsibility for any necessary notices, refunds or other actions required by law and as agreed between Seller and [COMPANY].

Once the Product Sale has been completed, the Seller will raise an invoice which the Buyer shall pay prior to receiving the Products.

In the UK and other EU countries, Buyers have the right to cancel the contract of the purchase of certain items within 14 calendar days beginning the day after the Product is delivered. This is not intended to be a full statement of Buyers’ legal rights under the CRD or other relevant consumer legislation. If you are returning your items in accordance with the CRD, Sellers will refund you within 14 days of receipt of the items to the specified returns address. However, the Sellers’ returns policies may differ, and Buyers must contact the Seller they purchased the Products that they wish to return from in order to return Products and receive a refund. We shall have no liability or responsibility whatsoever in relation to the refunds or refunds policies issued by Sellers on the Website or otherwise.

2.5 Service Contract:

The Buyer and Seller shall be solely responsible for determining the terms and conditions of “Projects”, sales of Products and any other business conducted between Buyers and Sellers via the Website including deliverables, any specific requirements, and for Projects the price, directly between them. The Buyer and Seller create a direct service contract between themselves and [COMPANY] are not party to that contract ('the Service Contract'). 

When buying an item, you agree that you will comply with these terms and conditions, and that you are responsible for reading the full item listing before commitment to buy, and you will enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buying an item.

Subject to this being varied as part of the Service Contract, ownership in and to any materials and or deliverables arising from a Project and any intellectual property rights therein, will be assigned to the Buyer upon successful payment to the Seller. If the Buyer and Seller wish to include any special terms of the contract (for example, in relation to the ownership of the work produced, ownership of intellectual property rights or special rights of termination), the Buyer and Seller should negotiate and document these terms in the Project Website.

Buyers promise that they:

  • are able to pay for the Services or Products
  • are not in breach of any applicable laws, rules or regulations or obligations to any other person by purchasing the ;
  • have made and will make all required legal and tax filings. If relevant, you will file all necessary legal documentation relating to your self-employment required by any governmental body, and pay all applicable taxes including without limitation PAYE or other income tax and national insurance;
  • you shall not (and shall not permit) any third party to either take any action or upload, download, post, submit or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any Content, Project, or Proposal on or through the services [COMPANY] provide, including without limitation any User Content, that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other right of any other person or entity or violates any law or contractual duty.

3. Payments

The payment terms are seven (7) days except for Per Hour Contracts which is three (3) days.

For Projects, the Seller must not request a release of funds from the Escrow Account prior to Project completion; the purpose of funds being held in the Escrow Account is to provide the Seller with the security needed for them to undertake the work. Buyers must report such cases immediately. In such cases the Seller's account may be temporarily or permanently suspended.

All payments between Buyer and Seller must be processed through [COMPANY] as described in Section 2, both for work sourced on [COMPANY] and for any follow-on work between the Buyer and Seller, either for the same Project or another Project

Payment (or attempt of) outside of [COMPANY] is a breach of these terms and conditions unless the prior express written consent of [COMPANY] has been obtained. Such payment (or attempt of) and will lead to temporary and/ or permanent suspension of the Buyer's account. [COMPANY] will not mediate any Disputes or be liable to either the Buyer or Seller's loss of business as a result of violation of this clause. Buyers must report attempts or offers to make payment outside of [COMPANY] by their Buyer or Seller to [COMPANY] immediately.

Payments by Buyers are routinely checked by [COMPANY] for fraud prevention purposes, before any payments are released to the Seller. 

For security reasons, [COMPANY] reserves the right to request additional information from Buyers, including original documents, and to verify documents with issuing institutions. 

For credit/debit card users we reserve the right to request one of the following:

  • a copy of the front and back of the card used. For Security Compliance we recommend that you blank out the central 8 digits of the card number digits, and the last three digits from the number on the back;
  • Credit or Debit Card Bank Statement of the card used on your [COMPANY] Buyer account (less than 3 months old). For Security Compliance you must blank out the central 8 digits of the card number digits;

For PayPal users[MOU6] :

  • PayPal Account statement showing your PayPal registered name, email address and verification status along with any relevant transactions.

For international Bank transfers, credit to the beneficiary may be delayed by factors such as local bank holidays, delays by an intermediary bank or other local conditions. Please note that some countries have been designated as “slow-to-pay” countries, and transfers made to those countries may take several days or even weeks in crediting the receiving account.

In using the Escrow Account [COMPANY] act, subject to these terms and conditions, on the Buyer's behalf. [COMPANY] hold the funds in a separate client account. [COMPANY] IS NOT A BANK and only holds funds for the purposes of settling the provision of services and specific invoices of Sellers. We strongly recommend that all Buyers do not hold balances on the platform. Funds held by [COMPANY] on the platform are not insured nor covered by any Financial Services Compensation Scheme or any other government agency. Buyers will not receive interest or other earnings on the funds in their Escrow Account or [COMPANY] Buyer Account. [COMPANY] will endeavour to ensure that the funds in the Escrow Account or [COMPANY] User Accounts are available to the Buyer in accordance with these Terms and Conditions but do not guarantee that they will be available to the Buyer in circumstances which are unforeseen or beyond our control. 

  • [COMPANY] uses third-party service providers including [LIST THIRD PARTIES] [MOU7] to process payments by Buyers and to transfer funds to Sellers. These third-party payment service providers are regulated and authorised to provide payment services in the countries where they operate. [COMPANY] may share your personal or transactional information with third-party payment service providers when it is necessary to process payments.

4. Leaving Feedback[MOU8] 

The parties have the option to leave each other feedback on the Website. Both parties should complete the feedback honestly. Buyers must not falsify feedback, manipulate or coerce Sellers by threatening negative feedback or offer incentives in exchange for feedback. Any attempts of this nature should be reported immediately to [COMPANY].

Feedback comments that are reported to us as defamatory, abusive or offensive will be reviewed and may be removed at our discretion.

5. Cancellations and refunds

5.1 Cancellation of a Project

After the Commencement of a Project, the Buyer may request a cancellation:

If there are funds in the Escrow Account and the Buyer believes they are entitled to a refund, the Buyer can notify [COMPANY] of the cancellation by requesting a refund using the “Request Refund” action on the Website.

5.2 Refund policy

A Buyer is entitled to receive a refund of funds held in the Escrow Account under the following circumstances:

  • non-delivery:
    1. for Offers, the Seller of an Offer did not deliver the scope of work within the delivery timescales indicated in the Offer.
    2. for fixed price or price per item Custom Projects, non-delivery means agreed scope of work was not delivered within the agreed timescales;
    3. for per hour rate Custom Projects no time has been spent.
  • poor quality: with the exception of Per Hour rate Custom Projects, the Services provided by Seller are provided at a standard materially lower than Buyer has agreed with Seller to provide the Services at, or the Products provided by the Seller are faulty,  and the Buyer informs the Seller of this and returns such Products within 30 days of purchase.
  • change of mind: Buyers have the right to return Products within 14 days of making their purchase and receive a full refund. However, Sellers have the right to reject certain refund requests by Buyers if the Products are used, opened, or otherwise considered non-refundable by Seller’s refunds policy.

Buyer and Seller may mutually agree to a refund for reasons other than the previous clause, and any refunds will be subject to the individual Seller’s returns policy. [COMPANY] shall have no responsibility or involvement with any refunds between Buyer and Seller, other than processing refund requests through the Website and returning the money in the Escrow Account to the Buyer. Any agreements made between the Seller and the Buyer shall be only between the Seller and the Buyer, and in no case shall [COMPANY] be deemed a party to such agreement.

5.2.1 Requesting a refund

[COMPANY] will process refund requests subject to the mutual consent of the Seller and Buyer. 

6. Disputes

[COMPANY] encourage our Sellers and Buyers to try and resolve any disagreements between themselves. [COMPANY] reserves the right, but has no obligation, to make a resolution decision on behalf of both parties within seven (7) days of receiving notice of such Dispute. If a mutual resolution has already been agreed between both parties on the Website, then the dispute will either be cancelled or resolved in line with the mutual agreement.

In the event of having to make a resolution decision, [COMPANY] will use only the communication in the Website as sole evidence.

Buyers agree and accept that any payments and/or other actions made by [COMPANY] in accordance with the resolution decision of a Dispute are made in good faith and Buyers shall have no cause of action against [COMPANY] (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in respect of the resolution decision or any such actions or payments made pursuant to it. Buyers further agree and accept that they have no right to seek to hold [COMPANY] liable for a Buyer or Seller’s alleged actions or failures.

7. Liability

Buyer and Seller understand that [COMPANY] is independent from the contract of Services or sale of Products, and shall have no responsibility whatsoever in relation to the sale of the Products or provision of the Services, including but not limited to the quality and timeliness of the delivery of the Services or Product. Any Disputes or court proceedings carried out in relation to the Deliverables or any other agreement between Buyer and Seller shall be strictly between Buyer and Seller and [COMPANY] shall have no liability whatsoever to Buyer in this regard.

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed to limit any liability that cannot legally be limited, including liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence or wilful fraud.

If a Dispute arises between you and [COMPANY], we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution.

8. General terms of Website use

Without limiting its ability to seek alternative remedies, [COMPANY] may restrict  Buyer’s ability to use the website, deactivate or terminate their account, forfeit or withhold funds, in its absolute discretion, if we have reason to believe or suspicion that the Buyer’s dealings with [COMPANY] constitute fraudulent activity, wrongdoings or related to money laundering. Buyers acknowledge that if their use of the website is in breach of any local or national laws with respect to fraud or money laundering, any payments made may be liable to forfeiture or may be frozen by [COMPANY]. To the extent permitted by law, [COMPANY] shall not be liable to Buyer for any such payments, nor shall it incur any liability to Buyer where it is required to give information or documentation relating to that Buyer to any relevant regulatory authority in such cases.

  • To the extent permitted by law, [COMPANY] shall be entitled to withhold and forfeit monies in Buyer’s accounts in the event of fraudulent or money laundering acts by the Buyer. The Buyer agrees to indemnify [COMPANY], its directors, employees, shareholders, consultants and advisors for all losses and damages suffered by it as a result of fraud, or reasonable belief that there is fraud and/or a money laundering activity. The withholding and forfeiture, and claims for losses and damages will extend to all Buyers who are involved and/or which the Company believes to be involved in such fraud and wrongdoings.
  • "Wrongdoings" and/or "fraud" shall include but not be limited to attempts to circumvent these terms and conditions, hacking, unauthorized use of the account access information, account or third party accounts, attempts to circumvent or bypass any security mechanisms available on the website or [COMPANY]'s systems or networks, wrongfully, deliberately or knowingly transfer funds from a third party's account or funds not lawfully owned, any act or omission through use of the website of [COMPANY] services cause any harm to the company or to any third party, false personal information, fund transfers in any actions and/or omissions which the company reasonably deems to be a fraudulent and/or wrongdoings.
  • In the event that [COMPANY] suspect fraud or fraudulent activity on the Buyer’s part or any of the Buyer’s payments are charged back, [COMPANY] will have the right to withhold any pay-out due to the Buyer and if necessary, to lawfully collect any payments in remaining balances.
  • When using the Website, Buyers shall not:
    1. take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our (or our third party providers’) infrastructure;
    2. interfere with the proper working of the services we provide or any activities conducted on the services;
    3. attempt to bypass or circumvent any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the services;
    4. run any form of auto-responder or ‘spam’ on the services;
    5. use manual or automated software, devices, or other processes to "crawl" or "spider" any page of the site;
    6. harvest or scrape any Content from the services; or
    7. otherwise take any action in violation of our guidelines and policies.

Buyers shall abide by all applicable local, national and international laws and regulations.

9. Intellectual property rights

[COMPANY] is the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in our site, and in the material published on it. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

We grant to each Buyer a license to use content solely for purposes of using the Website in accordance with these terms.

10. Privacy Policy

By proceeding to use the [COMPANY] service, Buyers consent that [COMPANY] may process the personal data (including sensitive personal data) that [COMPANY] collects from them in accordance with the [COMPANY] Privacy Policy [MOU9] and the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.

[COMPANY] may use Buyers’ personal data to gather feedback regarding any experience they may have with our platform. This helps our business grow by assembling useful information from our end-users.

[COMPANY] is not a party to any Service Contract between Buyer and Seller. Any Service Contract between a Buyer and Seller shall be in accordance with such Seller's privacy policy and the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679

 [COMPANY] only shares information about users with third parties if this is necessary for the provision of the Services or if [COMPANY] is legally or contractually entitled to do so.

Upon expiry of this Agreement we will delete the information you provided or which was generated through your use of the Services from your [COMPANY] account. Regardless we maintain this information after the expiry of your account if we are legally obliged or have a legitimate interest to do so. We will generally maintain aggregated data generated using the Services upon expiry of the Agreement

11. Severance. If any part or provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable then that part or provision shall be deemed to be deleted from these Terms and Conditions without affecting the enforceability or validity of any other terms herein.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction.

These terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. The courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

13. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.


14. No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Terms and Conditions or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.



Schedule 1: Definitions

In these terms and conditions:

  1. 'Billing' is the total invoices paid during the month;
  2. 'Buyer' means a person buying services from a Seller on [COMPANY];
  3. 'Commencement of the Project' means either the purchase of an Offer by the Buyer or acceptance of a Proposal for a custom Project by the Buyer 
  4. ‘Commission Fee’ means the fee payable by Seller to [COMPANY] in exchange for advertising and selling their Products or Services through the Website. This fee shall be subject to change at [COMPANY’s] sole discretion.
  5. ‘Content' means such things as data, text, photographs, videos, audio clips, written posts and comments, graphics, user content and interactive features generated, provided, or otherwise made accessible on or through [COMPANY];
  6. 'Custom Project' is the provision of Services that commences with the acceptance of a Proposal by a Buyer or the acceptance of a Hire request by a Seller. This work is agreed either after the Buyer has posted a request on [COMPANY] or in direct communication between a Buyer and a Seller in the Website. A custom Project can also be agreed as a follow-on piece of work after an Offer purchase;
  7.  ‘Deliverables' means the Services and/or the Product(s) as agreed between Buyer and Seller being negotiated, sold, or provided via or in connection to the Website.
  8. ‘Dispute' means a dispute raised in relation to a rejected Invoice;
  9. 'Escrow Account' means the virtual account where money is deposited on Commencement of the Project and is only released in accordance with these terms and conditions;
  10. 'Guest' means an unregistered user of [COMPANY];
  11. 'Invoice' means a bill for a completed Project which is raised by the Seller in the [COMPANY] payments dashboard;
  12. 'Offer' means a pre-packaged Service, that is offered on [COMPANY] by a Seller for a fixed price and delivered within fixed timescales
  13. 'Per Hour Contract' is a piece of work that commences with a Buyer placing a valid payment method on file that can be charged repeatedly by [COMPANY] and the acceptance of a per hour contract proposal by the Buyer or the acceptance of a Hire request by the Seller
  14. ‘Price’ means the total cost of the Product or Services as quoted on the Website or otherwise agreed in writing between the Seller and the Buyer. The Price shall be inclusive of any applicable taxes and selling fees, including the Commission Fee.
  15. 'Project' means a piece of work that a Seller and Buyer agree via [COMPANY] is to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer. Project refers to work either agreed when the Buyer purchases an Offer, or when a Proposal by a Seller is accepted by the Buyer for a custom Project;
  16. ‘[COMPANY]' means the website with the domain name [website name] or [COMPANY] Limited as the context so requires[MOU10] ;
  17. ‘[COMPANY] User Account' means a Buyer’s [COMPANY] persona, profile, settings, activities, invoices, transactions and funds balance available for you to withdraw;
  18. 'Proposal' means an offer made by a Seller to a Buyer to provide a custom Project and which must contain a fee quotation;
  19. ‘Seller' means a person selling services to a Buyer via [COMPANY];
  20. ‘Services’ means any duty or labour, as well as any, lesson or class, performed or provided by Seller to Buyer via the Website and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.  
  21. ‘User Content' means all Content uploaded, submitted, distributed, or posted to the services by Sellers or Buyers, including without limitation, Proposals and communication via the Website. User Content does not include any materials or deliverables, or intellectual property therein arising from a Project, which shall be assigned to the Buyer on successful payment for the Project. User Content is the sole responsibility of the person who originated it;
  22.  ‘Website’ means the website [website link]

 [MOU1]Please insert your website link here, where you will upload the terms and conditions.

 [MOU2]Is this applicable?

 [MOU3]Is this applicable? Do you transfer the money between Buyers and Sellers, or is this done individually?

 [MOU4]please can you confirm whether you give Sellers the option to charge for services hourly?

 [MOU5]please confirm that payments go through the Website.

 [MOU6]Please confirm whether you will use PayPal to process payments

 [MOU7]please list the third party service providers you use if any/

 [MOU8]Are buyers able to leave feedback?

 [MOU9]Please link your privacy policy here.

 [MOU10]Please fill this in.